Our Parent Guide Seeks to Answer Your Questions
Congratulations on the birth, or expected birth, of your baby!
We understand that your baby may have Down syndrome. You probably have a million questions, concerns, and fears right now. That’s okay. The most important thing to keep in mind is that this diagnosis is not as “life changing” as the fact that you have a new baby. And, in most ways, your baby will be just like other infants. Every baby needs to be fed, held, and most of all, loved.
Down syndrome is a condition your baby has; it is not who your baby is.
There will be challenges in raising your child, but there will also be many, many joys. It’s normal to be nervous about what lies ahead, but remember that Down syndrome is a condition your baby has; it is not who your baby is.
Now is the time to begin learning all you can about Down syndrome and the local services available to you. This Parent Guide is a great place to start.